MUIM_Application_Save, MUIM_Application_Load and MUIA_ExportID offer an easy way of saving and loading a programs configuration.

Each gadget with a non NULL MUIA_ExportID will get its contents saved during MUIM_Application_Save and restored during MUIM_Application_Load. This makes it very easy to design a configuration window with ''Save'', ''Use'' and ''Cancel'' buttons to allow the user storing the settings. When the application starts, you would just have to call MUIM_Application_Load and the stored settings will be read and installed.

Not all classes are able to import and export their contents. Currently, you may define MUIA_ExportIDs for

String class - MUIA_String_Contents is ex/imported.
Radio class - MUIA_Radio_Active is ex/imported.
Cycle class - MUIA_Cycle_Active is ex/imported.
List class - MUIA_List_Active is /ex/imported.
Text class - MUIA_Text_Contents is ex/imported.
Slider class - MUIA_Slider_Level is ex/imported.
Area class - MUIA_Selected is ex/imported
    (e.g. for Checkmark gadgets)
Menuitem class - MUIA_Checked is ex/imported (V9).
Group class - MUIA_Group_ActivePage is ex/imported (V8).